Cayo Coco Cuba - Aug 2010
Just got back from Cuba! What a great vacation.... it was our first all inclusive in any tropical climate. we stayed at the Krystal Laguana on Cayo Coco! The weather was HOT and I mean HOT, with humidity and in the sun it easily got to 50 degrees!
- beach was amazing! Water was WARM!
-Pool was fantastic
- Excellent weather - Hot and humid, but the AC in the room was working!
- food was great! - definitely not Canadian but still great, custom omelettes every morning etc...
- service was wonderful
- Catamaran trip and snorkeling,
- trip to town of Moron, and lagoon boat trip
- meeting new friends, Debbie and family, Mike, Nancy and family, Ken and Brenda and family - Thanks Guys,,,,, it was great to get to know you all! Welcome back to Canada!
- none really, our camera lost ALL our pictures from Saturday to Friday, but it's amazing what you can find on the internet.... got software for 45 bucks that recovered about 95% of it. Thanks Mike and Nancy and family for the encouraging words and the inspiration to figure this out.
- Left my camera battery and charger in the room, the found it, we just need to figure out how to get it back to Canada.
- Last night in the resort - had a beach party at night.... I got a wasp sting! right on my wrist....OUCH! it's Sunday now and my arm is read, hand swollen and it hurts and itches at the same time....