Maple Syrup at the Bullen Farm
this weekend we had the chance to go to Tim's family farm / cottage and help with the Maple Syrup (Thanks Tim - we had a great time!!!)
As the picutres show, a highlight was the ATV - Thanks Tom and Sandra for sharing with us!
Another unfotunate memory from the weekend is Kaitlyn stepping on a nail in barn. No trip to the doc or hospital or anything like that, just a lot of limping.

Other News
Mom might be coming home from the hospital (after a fall a week + ago) Hopefully with alot of homecare help!.
Next Door.
Matt (neighbour) has been working like a mad man next door. put in some drainage tile all along the side of the house and out into the back yard, then we had a new layer of gravel delivered to level it all off.
As the picutres show, a highlight was the ATV - Thanks Tom and Sandra for sharing with us!
Another unfotunate memory from the weekend is Kaitlyn stepping on a nail in barn. No trip to the doc or hospital or anything like that, just a lot of limping.

Other News
Mom might be coming home from the hospital (after a fall a week + ago) Hopefully with alot of homecare help!.
Next Door.
Matt (neighbour) has been working like a mad man next door. put in some drainage tile all along the side of the house and out into the back yard, then we had a new layer of gravel delivered to level it all off.