summer updates

Well it has been a busy june and is going to prove to be a very busy summer.....
Where to start.....
Today, Jessica got her braces, her jaw separator has done its job and now we have the braces on. the pic is of the separator in Jessicas mouth.
Also today Kaitlyn recieved an award at school. It is actually the third year in a row that she has recieved this math award, but this one is different in that she took the top honor for all of the school district. That is not only woodstock and surronding area but also all of London..... Needless to say we are very proud!
The count down is on for our sumer plans, Kaitlyn is going to camp, I'm heading to wpg and Sandi is having her sister down for a week.
We have been sailing alot lately, Steve (a friend) now has a 17 foot Siren at the sailing club and it is a great boat to sail. And now I'm shopping for my own 18 footer.....
Let's see, what else... Oh ya.... we have another Dog..... Long story, but the basics are the our neighbors got a dog, golden retreiever and something else mix, named Bailey. they couldn't keep it, so it went back to the pound, then my bro in law took it, that lasted 4 days, then it came to live with us.... a great dog, same size as shyla, and the two of them get along great, the only trouble is that she wants to play with the cat.... they are not impressed..... she is a bit weird, mostly she chooses to sleep beside the furnace downstairs.... not such a bad thing!!!!
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