Fun in the Kitchen! LU-LU Balls

A definite weekend highlight... Making Lu-Lu Balls... What are they you may ask? Marshmellows, diped in toffee and rolled in rice crispies.... How great is that... This of course was only made possible cause mom brought the necessary supplies from Wpg... Why we can't get macintosh toffee in the bricks out in ON I'll never know....
At 8:41 PM,
Riverwood Church Community said…
Hi guys! Carley from Winnipeg here. Those Lu-Lu Balls sure look yummie. i was just wondering if you might package some up and send them to me. Well...been sick for a few days so its time for me to go to bed. See ya later!
- Carley
At 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Bark, Ruf Ruf, sniff sniff"
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