The Petkau Family

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Good Bye Kitchen

Great News....

Plans are coming together to redo the spacious (not) 100 year old kitchen we have.

Sandi Has been very patient with working in this tiny space. the pic tells no lies... that is all the kitchen cupboards and counter top we have.

I'll keep you posted.... I'm sure you will get a kick out of the stories to come as I'm doing this with the help of my Bro-in-law.



  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger Riverwood Church Community said…

    Hey guys...

    Mom, Uncle Ed, the girls and i are just sitting checking out the P-Blog.

    Look forward to seeing how the project unfolds.

    Let me know how we can make postings. Got a few projects of my own i would like to post.

    Have a great weekend...

    Todd, Mom, Uncle Ed & kids

  • At 10:34 PM, Blogger Rob said…

    Sandi is a saint!

    But then again, I've always thought that.

    Oh, and your blog addy is ".com", not ".ca"; I found y'all anyway, so it's all good!

    Get Sandi to film you and bro-in-law doing the reno's -- it could be the basis for a great new sitcom "What Not to Fix -- And Who to Not Get to Fix It!"


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